# Advanced Installing ## OS Support * Red Hat Linux family: * Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7+ * Cent OS 7+ * Scientific Linux 7+ * Debian Linux family: * Ubuntu Linux 14.04 LTS * Debian Linux 8+ ## Prerequisites ### For Red Hat based OS Install EPEL repository and an extra package for node.js: ```bash sudo rpm -ivh https://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/epel-release-latest-7.noarch.rpm ``` Upgrade and reboot system: ```bash sudo yum update -y sudo reboot ``` Install some important packages before proceeding: ```bash sudo yum install -y python2-pip gcc nano git ``` ### For Debian based OS Install some important packages before proceeding: ```bash sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install -y python-pip git ``` ## Install Salt ## ```bash sudo pip install salt==2014.7.1 ``` ## Install CIRCLE ## ### Get the installer Clone CIRCLE installer GIT repository: ```bash git clone https://git.ik.bme.hu/circle/salt.git ``` ### Change configuration variables Modify installer.sls file. In the example below we use nano, but you could use any other text editor as well. ``` nano salt/pillar/installer.sls ``` #### Most used variables * **proxy_secret**: This is used to provide cryptographic signing, and should be set to a unique, unpredictable value. * **secret_key**: This is used to provide cryptographic signing, and should be set to a unique, unpredictable value. * **deployment_type**: production or local (for development) * **admin_user**: user name to log in as admin on the site * **admin_pass**: password to log in as admin on the site * **database**: * **password**: database user’s password * **amqp**: * **password**: amqp user’s password * **host**: amqp server IP - usually runs at localhost * **graphite**: * **password**: graphite user’s password * **host**: graphite server IP - usually runs at localhost * **nfs**: * **enabled**: to enable nfs, set to `true` * **server**: nfs server’s hostname * **network**: nfs server’s network to access files * **directory**: this directory will be shared * **storagedriver**: * **queue_name**: the server’s hostname **Attention:** it has to be set properly, or else storagedriver won’t be accessible. * **fwdriver**: * **queue_name**: the server’s hostname **Attention:** it has to be set properly, or else firewall won’t be accessible, and some network functions won’t work. * **gateway**: the server’s gateway * **external_net**: the server’s network * **external_if**: the server’s network interface #### Other variables * user: user who will install the software * timezone: the server’s time zone, format is region/city * amqp: * user: amqp user * port: amqp server’s port * vhost: virtual host - specifies the namespace for entities (exchanges and queues) referred to by the protocol * agent: * repo_revision: revision * agentdriver: * repo_revision: revision * cache: cache url - usually pylibmc:// * database: * name: django database’s name * user: database user * fwdriver: * repo_revision: revision * user: fwdriver user name * vm_if: vm interface * vm_et: vm network * management_if: management interface * graphite: * user: graphite user * port: graphite server’s port * secret_key: graphite’s secret key * manager: * repo_revision: revision * monitor-client: * repo_revision: revision * storagedriver: * repo_revision: revision * vmdriver: * repo_revision: revision * vncproxy: * repo_revision: revision ### Install CIRCLE with Salt Run the installation command below. Note: **This might take a while.** ```bash sudo salt-call state.sls allinone --local --file-root=$HOME/salt/salt --pillar-root=$HOME/salt/pillar ``` After installation is successfully finished, you should get a `Failed: 0` message. If you got something else, please check the Troubleshooting topic. ## Quickstart - Standalone Node ### Login Log in to the CIRCLE admin website (the site is accessible on port 443). Name and password is in `salt/pillar/installer.sls`. After logging in the dashboard welcomes you. Now you can manage the whole CIRCLE. ### Create Node Virtual machines run on Nodes. We need to create at least one Node and add it to the system. To do so click on the "new" button on the Nodes dashboard menu. ### Configure Node To create a simple standalone configuration, type the current machine’s hostname, MAC and IP address to Host/Name, Host/MAC, HOST/IP field, respectively. Then choose `managed-vm` as VLAN. See an example below: ![](_static/images/configure_node.png) Standalone node configuration ### Activate Node Open the detail page for the created Node by selecting it on the Nodes list on the dashboard. Activate the selected Node by clicking on the "Activate" button. See below: ![](_static/images/node.png) Activating Node